2008年11月12日 星期三

LG Japan Conceptual Phones


LG Japan Shows off Phone Design Concept Winners

Cell phones are all about keeping in touch, so it's no surprise that the winners of LG Japan's first Mobile Design Contest decided to take this theme a little deeper with mock-ups that were on show over the weekend at the Tokyo Designers Week event.


所以對於在這個週末所舉行的Tokyo Designers Week Event上,我們並不訝異於可以看到那些LG Japan的第一屆手機設計大賞的獲獎者們透過那些概念機的雛型,來多加著墨於這個觀點上。

Winner of the competition was the "Planet Phone," a circular clamshell-style handset that features numerous LEDs embedded into the top half of the phone. Each of the small lights represents one of your friends. Those you keep in contact with remain near the center, but as you slowly lose touch with people they drift towards the edge and eventually off the display altogether. It's supposed to prompt you to keep in touch with friends and remind you when you haven't spoken to someone for a while.

得到最大獎的作品名稱為"Planet Phone"。它像是一個圓形的掀蓋式手機,並在上半部綴滿了許多的led燈,每一個小小光源都代表著使用者的一位朋友。  那些表示著你經常來往的朋友光點們,會持續待在中央的位置,一旦你疏於聯絡,那些光點們會逐漸的向邊緣移動,最終消失在顯示器的表面,這是為了要鼓勵你與你的朋友們保持聯絡,並在你有一陣子沒和某人說話時給予提醒。

The "Temperature" phone concept brings you a visual clue of what your friends are up to. The back of the handset is covered in small, removable tiles like those you'd find in a game of "Scrabble," but instead of letters they display your friends' names. You can exchange your tiles with those of your friends, which first contributes to a unique design for each handset, and then watch the tiles glow in correspondence with the heat of your friends' location.


So, for example, if one took off on vacation, their tile might start glowing a deeper color, while if one was caught out in the snow it would do the opposite. Like the Planet phone, the concept brings an extra level of communication between you and your friends.
譬如說,如果你的一個朋友正在度假,那麼代表他的那個方塊也就會慢慢的黯淡下去。如果另一個朋友被大雪困住了,那麼方塊就會呈現相反的情況(為什麼?不懂?也許是因為被困住就只能講電話吧)。就像前述的Planet phone,這個想法提供了你與你的朋友們之間更深一層的溝通。
